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  1. 外出自粛のいま、買い物に出る時などに、ちょっと白髪がきになる場合ならば、シャンプーで落ちる、テンポラリーカラー(マスカラタイプやスプレータイプなど)で見えるところだけ応急処置を。**ヘアマニキュアやヘナを使用して今の明るさより暗くなってしまうと、元の明るさに戻らないのでご注意を。
  2. ヘアカラーで伸びてきた根元のリタッチ(タッチアップ)をする場合は、なるべくの伸びてきたところだけにカラー剤がつくようにしてください。カラー剤が余っても毛先に伸ばしてしまうとダメージにつながります。カラー剤の色を選ぶのは難しいですが、出来るだけ今染めている色に近い色を選んでください。少し明るくても次回修正できます。逆に暗すぎる色で染めてしまうと元の明るさに戻しにくくなってしまうので気をつけて下さい。


  1. 前髪カットはセルフカットをされている方も多いですが、簡単な注意点は、
  2. 重めの前髪が好みでしたら、ハサミを横にしてカットして、もし毛先を軽くしたい時は、ハサミを縦につかい揃った毛先をバラバラにするようにカットして下さい。

A month is about to pass since the Illinois stay at home order has taken place.and it’s extended until end of May. It is about time where almost every one is struggling with their hair growing; not only in length and in volume, but seeing their hair at its true state of form and color.

Small tips from us on quarantine DIY


  1. If you’re not confident enough to go through with coloring your own hair with permanent color, there are other options like using color mascara , spray-on type, foam, manicure or temporary colors.
    **If manicure: Please avoid Henna hair dyes. Depending on the color you choose, it can make your hair darker and will coat your hair very strongly that it may create problems in your future coloring process.
  2. If you’re planning on touching up your hair roots( where it has grown out), PLEASE make sure you ONLY color the areas that needs to be colored instead of applying the color throughout the whole hair. Doing so will prevent your hair from future damage. NO OVERLAPPING.Try your best to match the color with what you already have or even go a shade lighter just to be safe. It might not look as good, but will definitely be in better starting point when you come back to us to get it touched up.

    If the color ends up being DARKER than the shade you already have / or were planning to go for, it will make the process more difficult in the future to get your hair lighter again.

Bang trims

  1. Lay your bangs across your forehead. When you place your bangs in between your middle and index finger, you will then slide it down to mark the area where you want them to be cut. When you’re doing this, make sure you DON’T put too much tension in your fingers. If you do and cut at that point, your bangs will lift up naturally and will end up a lot shorter than what you have expected. ( (scissors)<— point cut: scissor blade perpendicular to your bangs. NOT —> (scissors) straight across)
    **Keep your fingers loose and just glide down on your bangs.
    *** Cut BELOW your fingers, NOT above.
  2. If you like blunt looking bangs, you’re done. If you want more blended/ thinned look, use your scissors to point cut deeper into your bangs to create whispy look or if you have thinning shears, use them throughout your mid section and ends of bangs taking small sections as a time.
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